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Modify my personal information
Modify my personal information
Coralie GOrendezvous avatar
Written by Coralie GOrendezvous
Updated over 3 weeks ago

The personal information displayed by default is that which was entered when you booked your first appointment.

If needed, here’s how to modify it:

1. Click on the Profile icon

2. Click on modify if you wish to add or modify your profile picture.

Click on Rotate if you wish to rotate it.

3. Click on the First name and Last name fields to modifiy them, if needed.

4. Enter a mobile telephone number (optional). Having a mobile telephone number linked to your account will enable the option for you to receive appointment reminders by SMS (if your professional activated this option). It is alos possible to enter a Home Telephone number. This will provide an additionnal way of contacting you to your professional. It can be an alternative to entering a mobile phone number if you do not have one.

5. Define the display language for your client portal by clicking the language dropdown menu.

Please note: The chosen language will also be the one in which you will receive all communications relating to your appointments.

6. Define the date and time display format in the dropdown menu

7. Do not forget to save the changes made by clicking on Save

Regarding the email field:

To modify or delete an email registered in your client portal, you must add another one first.

To modify/delete the email address linked to your client portal or to add a second email address :

1. Click on + Email

2. Enter the second email

3. Click on OK

A new-pop will open

4. Enter the confirmation code you received by email at the email address entered at step 2

5. Confirm the change by clicking on OK

The modification has been done

6. If needed, click on the little blue cross in the front of the email adress you wish to remove from your profile

7. Save the changes made by clicking on Save

Good to know :

A different client profile is created in your name for each professional you see that uses GOrendezvous.

Those profiles contain your contact information, including your email which is required to be able to access your Client Portal.

If the email address associated with your client profile for a professional A is different from the one you use to book an appointment with professional B, the appointments and information of professional B won't be visible in your client your client portal if you access it using the email address you use to book appointments with professional A.

If you wish to manage all your appointments through one client portal, you will need to follow the above steps in order to link a second email address to your client profile.

View Active Sessions and log out :

1. Click on Active Sessions under the Profile section

You will find several pieces of information, such as:

1. The number of Active Connections, indicated by the purple number.

2. The email address used for the connection

3. The device from which you accessed your portal for this connection

3. The browser used for this connection

4. The location where you were at the time of the connection

5. The IP address of the device used for this connection

6. The date of the first connection and the date of the last activity performed on the portal

7. Clicking on "Log Out" will close your portal session on the device from which you accessed it

8. The current connection through which you are logged in

9. Click "Log Out" to end the session in question

If you access your client portal through different devices or browsers and have simply closed the browser without logging out beforehand, the connections will be retained for a maximum period of 90 days.

Other articles related to the Profile tab of the Client Portal

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